CLIT2084: “New” cinemas across national boundaries

Spring 2024 | 6 credits | Prof. Jean MA

Almost as soon as the French nouvelle vague appeared, the next European new wave began to break on the cinematic horizon.  Since then, “new” cinemas have appeared in places as diverse as the United States, Japan, Senegal, Brazil, Iran, South Korea and Taiwan.  However, the emergence of postmodernism has called into question what can be claimed as “new” in global film culture.  Interventions coming from post-classical Hollywood, the digital revolution, postcolonial cinemas, diasporic and transnational film cultures, post-feminist and queer considerations of gender and sexual orientation have further complicated the notion of the “new” in world cinema.  This course examines what is beyond or behind the “new waves” in global cinema by exploring key auteurs, genres, film movements, aesthetic and technological innovations in world film culture from the mid-1980s to the present.

Non-permissible combination: CLIT3024.

Assessment: 100% coursework.