CLIT2001: Comparative Studies of Literary and Visual Narratives

6 Credits | Dr. Leiya LEE

This course will primarily investigate western critical concepts and theories that have informed the study of narratives. It will introduce students to a variety of narrative forms found in literature, film, and popular texts from different times and cultures. We will examine some of the ways in which critics and theorists interpret the aesthetic, psychological, and philosophical aspects of narrative.    The course is divided into three sections: the mechanics of narrative, forms and intertextuality, and different critical approaches to the study of narrative. Through these three modules, we will chart the earlier moment of structuralism and how it was challenged by poststructuralist and postmodernist approaches to narrative study, culminating in the recent phase of the cultural turn. Topics to be explored include story and discourse, narrative time and space, the social functions of narrative texts, the relationship of ideology and narrative form, and the circulation of cultures.

Notes: NEW MAJORS (declared Major from August 2023 onwards) must take ONE FOUNDATIONAL COURSE (6 credits)  (CLIT2001, CLIT2025, CLIT2094 and CLIT2095) preferably in the second year

Assessment: 100% coursework.