The Lives of Deltas

Serving a small group of carefully selected master’s students from the disciplines of sciences and social sciences and humanities who share an interest in creatively rethinking the earth and its inhabitants, this transdisciplinary programme aims to do research on the Lives of Deltas.
About the Programme

The Lives of Deltas

Transdisciplinary Programme initiative

The Lives of Deltas combines insights from contemporary academia with state-of-the-art technological, urban and artistic research. Together with prominent scientists, scholars and artists, the students taking part in this program, jointly explore and experiment with how human and non-human lives are currently roaming the coastlines and deltas of Maputo, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and the Netherlands. This unique collaboration at top universities in four cities around the world, hereby invites students to share their interest in participating in this program.

The theme for 2023 was pollution and pollination. The aim of the first Lives of Deltas global exchange, starting in 2023, is to explore in what way an affirmative approach on pollution and pollination allows us to look at how the urban delta is producing both challenges and opportunities for nature-human coexistence today.

View Projects (2021) View Photo Gallery (2023)


Photo Gallery

  • All
  • Netherlands
  • Hong Kong
  • Rio de Janeiro