MALCS Summer Programme

The Lives of Deltas / Netherlands

Exchange Programme

The Lives of Deltas is a collaborative exchange programme between HKU (Hong Kong) and Utrecht University (Netherlands). Together with prominent scientists, scholars. and artists; students are encouraged to examine and question environmental issues and concerns. In addition, we further seek to explore collaboration and exchange with other top universities at different cities around the world.

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Internship / Broadway Cinematheque


The MALCS Internship Programme aims to build career development paths for students as they step from the classroom into the field and industry. It provides an opportunity for them to gain valuable work experience in a professional setting. Some of our partnered internship program organizations include Broadway Cinematheque and other local arts, film, and cultural organizations. Further details to come.
* (Pilot run in 2023/24)

Copycat China, Creative China / Prof. Calvin Hui

Intensive Summer Course

The Intensive Summer Course takes place from May to June and centers on global theories and issues. Offering different and specially focused topics each year, the Intensive Summer Course is taught by distinguished scholars in their professional fields of study. This year's 2024 summer course is Copycat China, Creative China taught by Prof. Calvin Hui from the College of William and Mary, US.
* (Pilot run in 2023/24)

Course Details