Dr. Winnie L. M. Yee 余麗文
PhD, The University of Hong Kong
MA, Jean-Moulin Lyon III
MA, Warwick
BA, The University of Hong Kong
MALCS Programme Coordinator
- Office: RRST* 9.38
- Email: yeelmw@hku.hk
- Tel: 3917 2869
Winnie Yee is Programme Coordinator of MA in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. She was a fellow in Rachel Carson Center for the Environment and Society at LMU, Munich in 2020 and a fellow at the Joint Center for Advanced Studies “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China” in Germany in 2022. Her research interests are eco-criticism, contemporary Chinese literature and film, Hong Kong culture, Asian independent cinema, and postcolonial theories. She is currently working on a book project exploring the relationship between ecopoetic, Chinese literature and independent film scene, and an edited volume on lives of the Deltas.
“Ecopoetry as Method: Reading Gary Snyder as a Cultural Mediator between China and the World”. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 25:2 (Oct 2023)
“Manufacturing environmental disasters: an analysis of eco-documentaries in the age of Asia.” Interventions (2023) DOI: 10.1080/1369801X.2022.2158485
“Ghostly Chronotopes: Spectral Cityscapes in Post-2000 Chinese Literature.” PRISM 19:1 (2022): 28-45.
“Denaturalizing Natural Tropes: Thinking through Ecocritical Discourse in Post-handover Hong Kong.” Cultural Studies 26:2 (2022): 185-207. (Outstanding Paper Award for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2020/21)
“Reinventing “Nature”: A Study of Ecotopian and Cultural Imaginaries in Hong Kong Literature.” PRISM 17:2 (2020): 244-263.
“Of Activism and the Land: Ecological and Utopian Visions of Post-Handover Hong Kong Documentaries.” Ex-position, Issue No. 42 (December 2019): 119-137.
“Decoding The Trading Floor: Charting a Postcolonial Hong Kong Identity through the TV Screen.” SERIES, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Winter 2019): 83-94.
“Editorial, Special Issue Introduction: Why Asian Ecocinema?” Asian Cinema 30.2 (2019): 159-168.
“The Post-urban Gaze and Hong Kong Independent Cinema: An Ecofeminist Perspective.” Asian Cinema 30.2 (2019): 219-234.
“Writing the Therapeutic Waterscape: Bodies, Memories, and Nature in Post-Socialist Chinese Texts.” Communication and the Public 3:4 (2018): 322-334.
“Coming of Age in Post-urban Hong Kong: An Ecocritical Approach to Land-writing and Land-filming.” Coming of Age in Chinese Literature and Cinema: Sinophone Variations of the Bildungsroman. Eds. Andrea Riemenschnitter, Kiu-wai Chu & Mung Ting Chun. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (forthcoming)
“Performing Disaster and Trauma: A Cross-cultural Dialogue between Post-Socialist China and Munich in the Age of Globalization.” Eds. Jin Haina, Anna Stecher & Rebecca Ehrenwirth. German – Chinese Cultures in Dialogue. Switzerland: Springer. 2023. 65-79.
“Nature in the City: A Study of Hong Kong’s Independent Eco-film Festival.” Ecology and Chinese-Language Cinema: Reimagining a Field. Eds. Sheldon Lu & Haomin Gong. London & New York: Routledge. 2020. 48-64.
“Contemplating Land: An Ecocritique of Hong Kong.” Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins. Ed. Chia-ju Chang. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. 271-288.
“Local Stories, Global Catastrophe: Reconstructing Nation, Asian Cinema, and Asian Eco-consciousness in Japan’s 3.11 Films.” (co-author with Kiu-wai Chu). The Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema. Eds. Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park, et al. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. 667-687.
“Vibrant Objects, Shifting Perspectives: Understanding Hong Kong Poetry as Method.” Hong Kong Culture and Society in the New Millennium: Hong Kong as Method. Ed. Yiu-wai Chu. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017. 151-164.
RESEARCH (as Principal Investigator)
“Manufacturing Environmental Imaginations: An Analysis of Ecodocumentaries in the Age of Asia”, funded by Seed Funding for Basic Research, (May 2019 – completed)
“The Politics of Ruins and Everyday Life: Studies of Chinese Urban Texts in the 2000s” RGC General Research Fund (GRF), (Project No. 17616817. August 2017 – completed)
“From Landscape to Waterscape: Place-(Un)Making in Contemporary Chinese-language Films”, funded by Seed Funding for Basic Research Project Date: 01/05/2016 – 31/10/2017 (completed)
2021-22 Visiting Fellow at the Joint Center for Advanced Studies “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China”, University of Heidelberg (1 June – 31 July, 2022)
2020-25 Invited Partner of Asia-Norway Environmental Storytelling Network (ANEST), funded by Research Council of Norway, led by Prof. Finn Arne Jørgensen (University of Stavanger, Norway)
2019-20 Visiting Fellow at Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU, Munich.
Undergraduate Courses:
- CLIT2001 Comparative Studies of Literary and Visual Narratives
- CLIT2066 Postmodernism
Taught Postgraduate Courses (MALCS):
- CLIT7005 Approaches to Literary and Cultural Studies
- CLIT7011 Hong Kong and beyond
- CLIT7012 Dissertation Seminar
- CLIT7013 Postmodernism
- CLIT7025 Special Topics in Ecocriticism