Dr. Fiona Yuk-wa Law
PhD, The University of Hong Kong
Coordinator, Internships Program
- Office: RRST* 9.33
- Email: lawfiona@hku.hk
- Tel: 3917 2765
Dr. Fiona Y.W. Law’s research interests include Hong Kong cinema and cultural studies, Asian cinemas, global cinematic circulation, cinematic nostalgia, visual cultures, animal studies (animal rights, posthumanism and zoopoetics), digital and medical humanities (healing and death, affect and aesthetics). She teaches courses on film and cultural studies in the context of globalization, Hong Kong culture (film, literature, popular arts and everyday life), modern poetry, and visual cultures. She has also written articles for the Hong Kong Film Critics Society and was a guest curator at the Hong Kong Film Archive. In addition to the publications on Hong Kong cinema, her recent research interests extend to critical animal studies in the Asian context, with particular focus on cinematic representations of companion species, photography, animal welfare, and urban culture. She has presented and published about different representations of animals-human relationships on Asian screens. Her publications can be found in Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Animal Studies Journal, and Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, among others.
“Urban Co-habitation in Exposure” in Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, Issue 41, Autumn, 2017. http://www.antennae.org.uk
“Fabulating Animals-Human Affinity: Towards an Ethics of Care in Monster Hunt and Mermaid” in Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2017. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17508061.2017.1275197
“Pet-animals in the Concrete Jungle: Tales of Abandonment, Failures, and Sentimentality in San Hua and Twelve Nights” in Screening the Nonhuman: Representations of Animal Others in the Media. Eds. Amber George and J.L. Schatz. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
〈港產喜劇電影的輕與重 ──從中產想像及其幻滅說起〉, 《香港喜劇電影的自我修養》, 張偉雄編, 香港:香港電影評論學會, 2016.
“Vulnerability in the City: Reading Healing Narratives in East-Asian Animal Films” in Animal Studies Journal, Volume 4, Number 1, 2015. http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1144&context=as
“Making Merry on Time: A Feast of Nostalgia in Watching Chinese New Year Films” in A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema. Eds. Esther Cheung, Gina Marchetti, and Esther Yau, Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
“Timely Festivity: Chinese New Year Films (hesuipian) in the 1950s-1960s” in Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010.
〈兩次死亡──《胭脂扣》和《阮玲玉》的延伸想像〉 in In Critical Proximity: the Visual Memories of Stanley Kwan 《關錦鵬的光影記憶》, 張美君編, 香港:三聯出版, 2007.
- CLIT2025 Visual Cultures
- CLIT2064 Hong Kong Culture: Popular Arts and Everyday Life
- CLIT2065 Hong Kong Culture: Representations of Identity in Literature and Film
- CLIT2075 Modern Poetry: Hong Kong and Beyond
- CLIT2083 Film Art, Language and Culture (Summer Institute)
- CLIT3019 Internship in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
- CLIT3020 Independent Research
- CCGL9001 Hong Kong Cinema through a Global Lens
- CCGL9002 Hong Kong Culture in the Context of Globalization