Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren

PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies (Literature, Philosophy, and Cultural Theory): Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

Honorary Professor in Humanities
Affiliate Faculty, Comparative Literature, HKU
Principal Fellow Advance, HKU
Professor & Director, Common Core (2014-22) HKU

Visiting Faculty


Gray Kochhar-Lindgren is the co-founding Director of Wild Studios Consulting and Creative Productions LLC, where he is directing projects on Future Readiness, Eco-Imaginations, and ReNewing Learning. Recently retired as the Director of the University of Hong Kong’s Common Core, Gray continues to serve as an Honorary Professor of the Humanities and Affiliate Faculty in Comparative Literature. Prior to HKU, he was the inaugural Associate Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Learning and Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences at the University of Washington-Bothell. A Fulbright Scholar, a Principal Fellow of AdvanceHE, and the recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award (Team) from the UGC and from HKU, Gray is currently the lead editor of Transdisciplinary Experiments (UCL, forthcoming) and in the thickets of The Event of Noir, Becoming Elemental, and After Magritte. He lives on a dirt road in the woods on Whidbey Island, WA.


  • Transdisciplinary Projects
  • Posthuman Philosophies of Immanence
  • Literature and Cultural Theories
  • The More-Than-Human-City
  • Elementality and Transformative Eco-Aesthetics
  • Magritte and Monochromes


Books (Selected)

Transdisciplinary Experiments: Teaching, Research, and Institutionalization (LeadEditor) with Jack Tsao (HKU) and Wendy Sims-Schouten (UCL). London: UCL Press (forthcoming, 2025)

Pintxos: Small Delicacies & Chance Encounters (utopos Creative Criticism, 2023)

Urban Arabesques: Philosophy, Hong Kong, Transversality (New Critical Humanities Series, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020)

Kant in Hong Kong: Walking, Thinking, and the City (Eye Corner Press, 2014)

Philosophy, Art, and the Specters of Jacques Derrida (Cambria Press, 2011)

Night Café: The Amorous Notes of a Barista (Eye Corner Press, 2010)

Journal Articles (Selected)

“Trembling Thinking: Myth, Science, and Archipelogics,” (with Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren), Lives of the Deltas, Eds. Rick Dolphijn and Winnie Yee. (forthcoming)

Tsao, Jack, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Adrian Lam. (June 21, 2024). "Institutionalising a Transdisciplinary Curriculum: Assemblages, Territories, and Refrains," Higher Education. (

Tracy X. P. Zou, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Andrew Pau Hoang, Kristy Lam, Tom J. Barry & Lily Y. Y. Leung (22 Sep 2023): “Facilitating students as partners: co-researching with undergraduates in Asian university contexts,” Educational Review (DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2023.2246674)

“Chiaroscuro: Deleuze, Bloch, and the Philosophy of Detective Novels,” Clues: A Journal of Detection 41.2 (September 2023): 64-72.

“Pintxos 2: Small Delicacies & Chance Encounters,” (July 2023). Inscriptions Vol. 6 No.2 (

“Kracauer, Kant, and the Detectives,” (July 2022). Berlin Journal of Critical Theory Vol. 7: 63-95. (

“Alleys in Wonderland: Hong Kong’s Back Alleys as Celebrated Cinematic Spaces: in conversation with Nik Ettel” (2021) ADATO #1: Re-Edited:

“Interview: Gray Kochhar-Lindgren,” Contemporary Thinking on Transdisciplinary Knowledge: What Those Who Know, Know. Eds Paul Gibbs and Alison Beavis. Springer: Key Thinkers in Education Series: (2020).

For the below, please see

Conference Presentations
Professional Experience


  • CLIT 7018: Realism/Surrealism, Department of Comparative Literature, HKU