Dr. Jason Coe
MA PhD, The University of Hong Kong
BA University of California Berkeley
MALCS Lecturer
- Office: TBA
- Email: jasoncoe@hku.hk
- Tel: TBA
Jason Coe is a full-time Lecturer in the MA in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. He was an Assistant Professor of Film Studies in the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is co-chief editor of Asian Cinema.
He researches and writes about transpacific and Asian American film and media, focusing on the cultural politics of genre and collective memory. He teaches courses in literary and cultural studies, film and media studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, and American studies.
His research publications can be found in Film Quarterly, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Asian Cinema, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Journal of Canadian Literature, Journal of Asian American Studies, and The Routledge Companion to Global Literary Adaptation in the 21st Century.
Jason is a committed feminist and father who advocates for gender, sexual, and racial equity in his media appearances, public speaking, and written publications. He is writing a book about the genres of popular transpacific and Asian American film and media.
He has been interviewed and written for Voice of America, RTHK News, The Pulse, RTHK3 Backchat, 123 Show: Agender Café, Cha: A Literary Journal, New Books Network, Center for Asian American Media, and Hyphen: Asian American Magazine.