Current Work
I am currently an Assistant Instructor in Department of Communication at Beijing Normal University–Hong Kong Baptist University United International College.
Looking back, my academic training at MALCS lays the foundation for all my subsequent academic pursuits. The critical theories and approaches I learned through the courses became my armoury that I can leverage when conducting research or preparing teaching materials for tutorial sessions. More importantly, the exposure to cultural texts, both globally and locally, sparked my intellectual curiosity about how those Western-based theories still apply in the Asian and Chinese contexts. One of my attempts at solving this question includes a published article titled “Revising the Noir Formula in the Chinese Context: Black Coal, Thin Ice and Beyond,” which focuses on how the Chinese noirish film Black Coal, Thin Ice reinvents the noir formula produced in postwar Hollywood. I will continuously explore whether certain Western-rooted cultural theories and phenomena resonate with or deviate from the situations in the East.
Looking back, my academic training at MALCS lays the foundation for all my subsequent academic pursuits.

Dinghui ZHOU: Posted on Facebook and IG on Jun 18, 2024
Experience at MALCS
I also enjoy discussing various concepts and cultural practices with my instructors and classmates during and after class. Those conversations really deepened my understanding of some abstract theories and encouraged me to think more critically and broadly. Nothing beats that.