While I was studying at MALCS, I have also taken up the Research Assistantship in American Studies at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Hong Kong, exploring Chinese-Chilean cultural and diplomatic interactions. Slightly after the graduation, I worked at the Centro de Intercambio Cultural China-America Latina for a short period of time, aiming at facilitating and promoting the intercultural communications between China and Latin America from a diverse range of levels. I am currently a multilingual translator. I translated the Complete Poems by Uruguayan poet Idea ViraliƱo from Spanish to Chinese, Simplified, published by The Writers Publishing House.
Experience at MALCS
The MALCS programme has granted me a great deal of liberty to allow me to pursue my areas of interests. Practically all courses that I have attended are highly flexible when it comes to the focus of assessments, and instructors are accessible both in and out of the classroom, ready to provide their students the most cutting-edge approaches to this discipline. For me, despite being somewhat challenging, the dissertation-writing was indubitably the most rewarding part of this programme since it enables me to systematically develop an in-depth study of a specific cultural aspect pertinent to my future academic and/or professional inquiries. On top of that, I particularly appreciate the rigorous and sophisticated academic training provided by MALCS, including but not limited to academic symposium and screening sessions. I can tell that, deep down in their hearts, they wish their students to succeed. Last but certainly not least, I feel obliged to mention that MALCS is an inclusive, gender-friendly programme and is always willing to embrace diversity.
I particularly appreciate the rigorous and sophisticated academic training provided by MALCS, including but not limited to academic symposium and screening sessions.
Words for Students and Potential Applicants
The MALCS programme shall never limit you in one narrow scope. Quite the contrary, it is designated to maximize your potential. If you have further doubt, please rest assured. I guarantee you that MALCS can offer a solid intellectual and professional nurture for students coming from different backgrounds and with different aspirations.

Cheng Xianye Arthur